How to present clinical cases
Presenting a patient is an essential skill that is rarely taught
- By: Ademola Olaitan, Oluwakemi Okunade, Jonathan Corne
- Published: 13 April 2010
- DOI: 10.1136/sbmj.c1539
Clinical presenting is the language that doctors use to communicate with each other every day of their working lives. Effective communication between doctors is crucial, considering the collaborative nature of medicine. As a medical student and later as a doctor you will be expected to present cases to peers and senior colleagues. This may be in the setting of handovers, referring a patient to another specialty, or requesting an opinion on a patient.
A well delivered case presentation will facilitate patient care, act a stimulus for timely intervention, and help identify individual and group learning needs.[1] Case presentations are also used as a tool for assessing clinical competencies at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Medical students are taught how to take histories, examine, and communicate effectively with patients. However, we are expected to learn how to present effectively by observation, trial, and error.
Principles of presentation
Remember that the purpose of the case presentation is to convey your diagnostic reasoning to the listener. By the end of your presentation the examiner should have a clear view of the patient’s condition. Your presentation should include all the facts required to formulate a management plan.
There are no hard and fast rules for a perfect presentation, rather the content of each presentation should be determined by the case, the context, and the audience. For example, presenting a newly admitted patient with complex social issues on a medical ward round will be very different from presenting a patient with a perforated duodenal ulcer who is in need of an emergency laparotomy.
Whether you’re presenting on a busy ward round or during an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), it is important that you are concise yet get across all the important points. Start by introducing patients with identifiers such as age, sex, and occupation, and move on to the complaint that they presented with or the reason that they are in hospital. The presenting complaint is an important signpost and should always be clearly stated at the start of the presentation.
Presenting a history
After you’ve introduced the patient and stated the presenting complaint, you can proceed in a chronological approach—for example, “Mr X came in yesterday with worsening shortness of breath, which he first noticed four days ago.” Alternatively you can discuss each of the problems, starting with the most pertinent and then going through each symptom in turn. This method is especially useful in patients who have several important comorbidities.
The rest of the history can then be presented in the standard format of presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, medical history, drug history, family history, and social history. Strictly speaking there is no right or wrong place to insert any piece of information. However, in some instances it may be more appropriate to present some information as part of the history of presenting complaints rather than sticking rigidly to the standard format. For example, in a patient who presents with haemoptysis, a mention of relevant risk factors such as smoking or contacts with tuberculosis guides the listener down a specific diagnostic pathway.
Apart from deciding at what point to present particular pieces of information, it is also important to know what is relevant and should be included, and what is not. Although there is some variation in what your seniors might view as important features of the history, there are some aspects which are universally agreed to be essential. These include identifying the chief complaint, accurately describing the patient’s symptoms, a logical sequence of events, and an assessment of the most important problems. In addition, senior medical students will be expected to devise a management plan.[1]
The detail in the family and social history should be adapted to the situation. So, having 12 cats is irrelevant in a patient who presents with acute appendicitis but can be relevant in a patient who presents with an acute asthma attack. Discerning the irrelevant from the relevant is not always easy, but it comes with experience.[2] In the meantime, learning about the diseases and their associated features can help to guide you in the things you need to ask about in your history. Indeed, it is impossible to present a good clinical history if you haven’t taken a good history from the patient.
Presenting examination findings
When presenting examination findings remember that the aim is to paint a clear picture of the patient’s clinical status. Help the listener to decide firstly whether the patient is acutely unwell by describing basics such as whether the patient is comfortable at rest, respiratory rate, pulse, and blood pressure. Is the patient pyrexial? Is the patient in pain? Is the patient alert and orientated? These descriptions allow the listener to quickly form a mental picture of the patient’s clinical status. After giving an overall picture of the patient you can move on to present specific findings about the systems in question. It is important to include particular negative findings because they can influence the patient’s management. For example, in a patient with heart failure it is helpful to state whether the patient has a raised jugular venous pressure, or if someone has a large thyroid swelling it is useful to comment on whether the trachea is displaced. Initially, students may find it difficult to know which details are relevant to the case presentation; however, this skill becomes honed with increasing knowledge and clinical experience.
Presenting in an exam
Although the same principles as presenting in other situations also apply in an exam setting, the exam situation differs in the sense that its purpose is for you to show your clinical competence to the examiner.
It’s all about making a good impression. Walk into the room confidently and with a smile. After taking the history or examining the patient, turn to the examiner and look at him or her before starting to present your findings. Avoid looking back at the patient while presenting. A good way to avoid appearing fiddly is to hold your stethoscope behind your back. You can then wring to your heart’s content without the examiner sensing your imminent nervous breakdown.
Start with an opening statement as you would in any other situation, before moving on to the main body of the presentation. When presenting the main body of your history or examination make sure that you show the examiner how your findings are linked to each other and how they come together to support your conclusion.
Finally, a good summary is just as important as a good introduction. Always end your presentation with two or three sentences that summarise the patient’s main problem. It can go something like this: “In summary, this is Mrs X, a lifelong smoker with a strong family history of cardiovascular disease, who has intermittent episodes of chest pain suggestive of stable angina.”
Improving your skills
The RIME model (reporter, interpreter, manager, and educator) gives the natural progression of the clinical skills of a medical student.[3] Early on in clinical practice students are simply reporters of information. As the student progresses and is able to link together symptoms, signs, and investigation results to come up with a differential diagnosis, he or she becomes an interpreter of information. With further development of clinical skills and increasing knowledge students are actively able to suggest management plans. Finally, managers progress to become educators. The development from reporter to manager is reflected in the student’s case presentations.
The key to improving presentation skills is to practise, practise, and then practise some more. So seize every opportunity to present to your colleagues and seniors, and reflect on the feedback you receive.[4] Additionally, by observing colleagues and doctors you can see how to and how not to present.
Top tips
- Remember the purpose of the presentation
- Be flexible; the context should dictate the content of the presentation
- Always include a presenting complaint
- Present your findings in a way that shows understanding
- Have a system
- Use appropriate terminology
Additional tips for exams
- Start with a clear introductory statement and close with a brief summary
- After your summary suggest a working diagnosis and a management plan
- Practise, practise, practise, and get feedback
- Present with confidence, and don’t be put off by an examiner’s poker face
- Be honest; do not make up signs to fit in with your diagnosis
Ademola Olaitan, medical student1,
Oluwakemi Okunade, final year medical student1,
Jonathan Corne, consultant physician2 1University of Nottingham,
2Nottingham University Hospitals
Competing interests: None declared.
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
See “Medical ward rounds” (Student BMJ 2009;17:98-9,
- Green EH, Durning SJ, DeCherrie L, Fagan MJ, Sharpe B, Hershman W. Expectations for oral case presentations for clinical clerks: Opinions of internal medicine clerkship directors. J Gen Intern Med 2009;24:370-3.
- Lingard LA, Haber RJ. What do we mean by “relevance”? A clinical and rhetorical definition with implications for teaching and learning the case-presentation format. Acad Med 1999;74:S124-7.
- Pangaro L. A new vocabulary and other innovations for improving descriptive in-training evaluations. Acad Med 1999;74:1203-7.
- Haber RJ, Lingard LA. Learning oral presentation skills: a rhetorical analysis with pedagogical and professional implications. J Gen Intern Med 2001;16:308-14.
Cite this as: Student BMJ 2010;18:c1539
Thanks Joe for sharing the article!