January 06, 2010

Mending bones using trees??

Using small pieces of wood to regenerate broken bones is one of 10 health innovations in CNN's 'Top 10 Health Innovations of 2009'. Time magazine also lists its top '10 Medical Breakthroughs for 2009', including the first mice created from adult cells. Interestingly, the only discovery both lists mention is the swine flu vaccine. Here are both lists; click on the heading to view full article:

1. Swine Flu Vaccine
2. Electric Eye
3. Lyric Hearing Aid
4. Wooden Bones
5. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy
6. Anti-viral biomask
7. Antimicrobial paint
8. Electronic Stethoscope
9. JaipurKnee
10. Warm Organ Perfusion Device

1. New Mammography Guidlines
2. AIDS vaccine
3. Funding Ban Lifted on Stem-Cell-Research
4. H1N1 Vaccine
5. Stem-Cell-Created Mice
6. Prostate-Cancer Screening
7. New Research on Autism
8. New Drug for Osteoporosis
9. New Alzheimer's Genes
10. Brown Fat in Adults

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